

Brilliant introduction to animals in Indian mythology
A unique feature of Hindu mythology is the key role played by animals, or pashu. The Puranas, ancient Hindu story chronicles, reveal that Brahma, the creator, had a son called Kashyapa, whose many wives gave birth to different types of pashu:

  • Timi gave birth to animals who swim
  • Vinata gave birth to animals who fly
  • Kadru gave birth to animals who crawl
  • Surabhi gave birth to animals with hooves
  • Sarama gave birth to animals with paws
  • Surasa gave birth to animals who defy classification
Category: Books

Author/ Publisher :

Devdutt Pattanaik

Binding :


Recommended Age :


Age :

12 Years+, 3-5 Years, 5-8 Years, 8-12 Years